Master in Cultural Management (Universitat de Barcelona) – 2010/13
Degree in Dramatic Arts (Institut del Teatre de Barcelona) – 1999/06
Seminar ‘Kunst in der Gedenkstätte’ (Art in the Memorials), Jewish Museum (Berlin) – 2023
Advanced training in the preservation of historical memory, Sachsenhausen (Berlín) and Ravensbrück-Uckermark (Fürstenberg) Nazi Concentration camps – 2018/23
Seminar "Rhythm and verse in Shakespeare's play" by Dugald Bruce-Lockhart – 2013
Master class AADPC "Fundamentals of cinema acting" by Santiago A. Zannou – 2011
Workshop in Contact Dance with Africa Navarro – 2005
Theater & Performance studies (Col·legi del Teatre de Barcelona) – 1999
Theater & Performance studies (Centre Dramàtic del Vallès) – 1997
Workshop in Classical Dance with Marianna Giustina – 1997
Workshop in Contemporary Dance with Sonia Klamburg, Carles Casas, Mercè Colomer & Á. de la Peña
Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Office (Word, Excel and Power Point), Web editing (Wix), Video editing (Premiere)
Languages: Spanish (mother tongue), Catalan (mother tongue), English (CAE) & German (B1)
2022-23: PINKTUM. Pink University. E-learning Company (Hamburg)
2021: COM SI FOS AHIR. Produced by Televisión de Catalunya, TV3
2019-20: NICHT VERGESSEN (Theater project in Ravensbrück - Uckermark Concentration Camp). Dir. Elisa Moser & Flo Strass
2018: ROBAR EL DÍA by Alfredo Félix-Díaz. Dir. Alfredo Félix-Díaz
2016-17: THE GLASS MENAGERIE by Tennessee Williams. Dir. Boris Rotenstein
2016: FALSTAFF based in William Shakespeare's plays. Dir. Konrad Zschiedrich
2015: THE SEAGULL by Anton Chekhov. Dir. Boris Rotenstein
2014-15: AS YOU LIKE IT by William Shakespeare. Dir. Dugald Bruce-Lockhart
2014: VETLLADA LITERÀRIA by Arthur Rimbaud. Dir. Teresa Vilardell
2013-14: ROMEO & JULIET by William Shakespeare. Dir. Dugald Bruce-Lockhart
2011-13: ANTIGONA by Anouilh. Dir. Boris Rotenstein
2011-12: AMPHITRYON 38 by Jean Girodoux. Dir. Emilià Carilla
2010-11: DAS FEST. DAS FEUER. DIE STADT. Performance based on Anja Hilling's play. Dir. Cristina Schmutz & Frithwin Wagner-Lippok
2011: PRELUDE TO THE RAIN Dir. Albert Vilalta. Produced by Lady in Black (Super 8 Video Clip)
2011: ESA MANÍA TUYA Dir. Pelayo Muñiz. Produced by La Querida (Digital Short)
2010: BIVIDA Dir. Mariona Colomé. Produced by EMAV (Digital Short)
2010: EL MEU MON NO CAP EN AQUESTA CASA by Marion Betriu Dir. Marta Betriu
2009: PARADOXUM Dir. Pepa Aranda
2009: MADHOUSE IN GOA by Martin Sherman. Dir. Emilià Carilla
2009: MI NOMBRE ES ALEX Dir. Gerardo Vieytes. Produced by CECC (35mm. Short Film)
2009: FIGURA/FONDO Dir. Lara Martín y Ursula Kaufmann. Produced by UPF (Digital Short)
2009: CASTING Dir. Alejo Levis. Produced by Life & Pictures - Xarxa de Televisions Locals
2008-09: CONTRA EL ESPEJO by Damián Ruiz. Dir. Boris Rotenstein
2008: PLAY Dir. Pelayo Muñiz. Produced by Canijo Films & ESCAC (Digital Short)
2007: EL COR DE LA CIUTAT. Produced by Televisión de Catalunya, TV3
2006: XTRANYS Dir. Alejo Levis. Produced by Life & Pictures – Xarxa de Televisions Locals
2006: JET LAG. Produced by T de Teatre - Televisión de Catalunya, TV3
2005-08: DEAR ELENA SERGUÈIEVNA by Ludmila Razumovskaya. Dir. Boris Rotenstein
2004: 0,5. LES COSES SON LA MEITAT DE COMPLICADES by Raquel Tomás. Dir. Alex Serrano
2003: QUAY WEST by Bernard-Marie Koltés. Dir. Joan Ollè
2003: SCLUNCH! Dir. Alex Aviñoa
2002: SALOMÉ/RAMALA by Oscar Wilde. Dir. Antonio Morcillo
2002: SMALL CRAFT WARNING by Tennessee Williams. Dir. Feredic Roda
2002: EL PÚBLICO by Federico García Lorca. Dir. Jordi Prat i Coll
2001-08: ES DESDE AQUÍ QUE MIRO LA LUNA by Damián Ruiz. Dir. Boris Rotenstein
2000-02: EL PUENTE/EL PONT by José Manuel Sevilla. Dir. Boris Rotenstein
2024: HOLA, RÀBIA!
Written and directed by Mercè Vila Godoy
Produced by Associació Artística La Banda & Teatre Municipal de Girona (Immersive show)
Written by Jordi Robles & Jorge Velasco
Produced by Dau al Sec & Cultour Incoming (Performance)
2021: GARCÍA LORCA SCHWUCHTEL!, poetry by Federico García Lorca
Produced by Instituto Cervantes de Berlín & Iberoamerika Ensemble (Performance)
2018-20: DER TOD UND DAS MÄDCHEN, written by Ariel Dorfman
Produced by Stumkino Delphi de Berlin & Iberoamerika Ensemble (Theater play)
2018: FUGAZ/VERGÄNGLICH, based on string-quartet “Death and the Maiden” by F. Schubert
Produced by Theater-Haus-Mitte (dance performance)
2017: WEB ME UP!
Written and directed by David Insaid
Produced by Jordi Robles & David Insaid (Digital Shortfilm)
2007-11: CABARET INCIVIC. Written by Jordi Robles & Marta Betriu
Produced by Associació Cultural La Incívica (Cabaret show)
2023-24: LAS NOCHES MALAS DE AMIR SHRINYAN, theater play by Albert Tola and directed by Carlos Rodríguez Produced by Associación Nigredo & Teatro del Astillero
Tour: Teatro Távora (Sevilla), Dau al Sec (Barcelona), Teatros del Canal (Madrid)
Production design
2022: EL PALMERAL, theater play by Albert Tola and directed by Rodrigo García Olza
Produced by Associación Nigredo & Teatre Akadèmia
Tour: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona), Teatro BBK (Bilbao)
Production direction & design
2018-22: THEATER SPIEL RAUM, training center in the Künstlerhaus Bethanien (Berlin)
Assistant for the comunication strategy
2018: SARAB, theater play by Albert Tola and directed by Andrea Segura
Poduced by A3 Teatre & Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)
Production direction & design
2017: YERMA, theater play by Federico García Lorca and directed by de Marc Chornet
Produced by Teatre Akadèmia & Projecte Ingenu
Tour: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona), Teatro Kamikaze (Madrid), Festival of Spanish Theater (Londres)
Production direction & design
2016: SIK SIK Y OTROS, theater play by Eduardo De Filippo and directed by Guido Torlonia
Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)
Production direction & design
2016: EL ZOO DE VIDRE, theater play by Tennessee Williams and directed by Boris Rotenstein
Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)
Production direction & design
Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)
Production direction & design
Stage manager
2016: L’AMANT, theater play by Harold Pinter and directed by Guido Torlonia
Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)
Production direction & design
2016: FALSTAFF, based in several theater plays by Shakespeare, and directed by Konrad Zschiedrich
Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)
Production direction & design
2015: LA IMPORTÀNCIA DE SER FRANK, theater play by Oscar Wilde and directed by Emilià Carilla
Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)
Production direction & design
2015: EL TEATRE I LA PESTE, written by Antonine Artaud and directed by Jordi Coca
Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia – Festival Grec (Barcelona)
Production attendant
2015: LA GAVINA, theater play by Anton Txèkhov and directed by Boris Rotenstein
Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)
Production direction & design
2014: AS YOU LIKE IT, theater play by William Shakespeare and directed by Dugald Bruce-Lockhart
Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)
Production direction & design
2014: A LA VORA DE L'AIGUA, theater play by E.Bonfanti & Y. Hunstad and directed by Emilià Carilla
Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)
Production direction & design
2014: NO POT L'OBLIT REGNAR SOBRE AQUESTS MOTS, based in Shakespeare’s sonets
Directed by Boris Rotenstein
Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)
Production direction & design
2014: AL GALOP, theater play by M. Hampton & M.L. Wilson and directed by Guido Torlonia
Produced by Teatre Akadèmia.
Tour: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona), Teatro Español (Madrid), Festival de Teatro de Málaga,
among other theaters in Spain
Production direction & design
2014: EL LLOP FEROTGE, written and directed by Sergio Pons
Produced by Teatre Akadèmia & Produccions Essencials
Tour: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona), Fira Tàrrega, among other theaters in Catalonia
Production direction & design
2014: RITTER, DENE, VOSS, theater play by Thomas Bernhard and directed by Konrad Zschiedrich
Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)
Production direction & design
2013: ROMEU I JULIETA, theater play by William Shakespeare and directed by Dugald Bruce-Lockhart
Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)
Production direction & desig
2013: MADAME DE SADE, theater play by Yukio Mishima and directed by Emilià Carilla
Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)a
Production direction & design
2013: RECREO, theater play by Manuel Veiga and directed by Boris Rotenstein
Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)
Production direction & design
2013: LA VIDA PERDURABLE, theater play by Narcís Comadira and directed by Boris Rotenstein
Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)
Production direction & design
2013: QUARTETT, theater play by Heiner Müller and directed by Konrad Zschiedrich
Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)
Production direction & design
2012: CINC CONTES DIFERENTS, theater play by Josep Maria Miró and directed by Sergio Pons
Produced by Teatre Akadèmia & Produccions Essencials
Tour: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona), SAT (Barcelona), among other theaters in Catalonia
Production direction & design
2012: JE NE PARLE PAS FRANÇOISE, chanson française cabaret directed by Emilià Carilla
Produced by Teatre Akadèmia.
Tour: Teatre Almeria (Barcelona), Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)
Production direction & design
2012: AMFITRIÓ 38, theater play by Jean Girodoux and directed by Emilià Carilla
Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)
Production direction & design
2012-17: TEATRE AKADÈMIA, center for Theater Production and Exhibition (Barcelona)
Management team coordinator
Production manager of 22 theater performances and an international theater festival
Technical supervision of external productions
Budget planning and tracking
Grants management
Assistant to the artistic director
2007-12: ASOCIACIÓN CULTURAL LA INCIVICA, theater company (Barcelona)
Production design and direction (theater, dance, acrobatics and live music shows)
Road manager for the show CABARET INCÍVIC: Casa Elizalde (Barcelona), Masia Cabanyes (Vilanova i la Geltrú), Ateneu Santboià (Sant Boi de Llobregat), Sala Triangulo - Festival Simulacro (Madrid), Factoria de les Arts (Terrassa), Festival Internacional de Benicàssim - FIB-actúa (Castelló), Centre Cultural La Capsa (El Prat de Llobregat), Festa Major de l’Eixample Esquerre - Parc Joan Miró (Barcelona), RAI Art Espai Cultural (Barcelona), Centre Cívic de Sarrià (Barcelona), Casinet d’Hostafrancs (Barcelona), Antic Teatre (Barcelona), Festival Panorama (Olot)
2006-10: CENTRE CIVIC CASA GOLFERICHS, educational and cultural exhibition consortium (Barcelona)
Coordinator: conferences, workshops and photographic exhibitions
Implementation of emergencies and safety regulations
2013-15: UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA, conference for the students of Cultural Management Master
2009-11: ESCOLA DE CINE ACTING FACE: Theater & Cinema acting teacher
2009: UNIVERSITAT POMPEU FABRA, conference “La publicitat del segle XXI”
2008: UNIVERSITAT POMPEU FABRA, conference “La publicitat i el màrqueting”
2007: UNIVERSITAT POMPEU FABRA, conference “El cinema en blanc i negre”
2006: UNIVERSITAT POMPEU FABRA, conference “Direcció d’actors” and “Producció de Televisió”
2006-10: CENTRE CÍVIC GOLFERICHS: Theater & Cinema acting teacher
2006: COL·LEGI DEL TEATRE: Introduction for young students to the Stanislavski System
2003: Best Young Actor Festival International de Théâter de Mont-Laurier (Montreal, Canada)