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  • Master in Cultural Management (Universitat de Barcelona) – 2010/13

  • Degree in Dramatic Arts (Institut del Teatre de Barcelona) – 1999/06

  • Seminar ‘Kunst in der Gedenkstätte’ (Art in the Memorials), Jewish Museum (Berlin) – 2023

  • Advanced training in the preservation of historical memory, Sachsenhausen (Berlín) and Ravensbrück-Uckermark (Fürstenberg) Nazi Concentration camps – 2018/23

  • Seminar "Rhythm and verse in Shakespeare's play" by Dugald Bruce-Lockhart – 2013

  • Master class AADPC "Fundamentals of cinema acting" by Santiago A. Zannou – 2011

  • Workshop in Contact Dance with Africa Navarro – 2005

  • Theater & Performance studies (Col·legi del Teatre de Barcelona) – 1999

  • Theater & Performance studies (Centre Dramàtic del Vallès) – 1997

  • Workshop in Classical Dance with Marianna Giustina – 1997

  • Workshop in Contemporary Dance with Sonia Klamburg, Carles Casas, Mercè Colomer & Á. de la Peña

  • Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Office (Word, Excel and Power Point), Web editing (Wix), Video editing (Premiere)

  • Languages: Spanish (mother tongue), Catalan (mother tongue), English (CAE) & German (B1)





2022-23: PINKTUM. Pink University. E-learning Company (Hamburg)


2021: COM SI FOS AHIR. Produced by Televisión de Catalunya, TV3


2019-20: NICHT VERGESSEN (Theater project in Ravensbrück - Uckermark Concentration Camp). Dir. Elisa Moser & Flo Strass  


2018: ROBAR EL DÍA by Alfredo Félix-Díaz. Dir. Alfredo Félix-Díaz


2016-17: THE GLASS MENAGERIE by Tennessee Williams. Dir. Boris Rotenstein


2016: FALSTAFF based in William Shakespeare's plays. Dir. Konrad Zschiedrich


2015: THE SEAGULL by Anton Chekhov. Dir. Boris Rotenstein


2014-15: AS YOU LIKE IT by William Shakespeare. Dir. Dugald Bruce-Lockhart


2014: VETLLADA LITERÀRIA by Arthur Rimbaud. Dir. Teresa Vilardell


2013-14: ROMEO & JULIET by William Shakespeare. Dir. Dugald Bruce-Lockhart


2011-13: ANTIGONA by Anouilh. Dir. Boris Rotenstein


2011-12: AMPHITRYON 38 by Jean Girodoux. Dir. Emilià Carilla


2010-11: DAS FEST. DAS FEUER. DIE STADT. Performance based on Anja Hilling's play. Dir. Cristina Schmutz & Frithwin Wagner-Lippok


2011: PRELUDE TO THE RAIN Dir. Albert Vilalta. Produced by Lady in Black (Super 8 Video Clip)


2011: ESA MANÍA TUYA Dir. Pelayo Muñiz. Produced by La Querida (Digital Short)


2010: BIVIDA  Dir. Mariona Colomé. Produced by EMAV (Digital Short)


2010: EL MEU MON NO CAP EN AQUESTA CASA by Marion Betriu Dir. Marta Betriu


2009: PARADOXUM Dir. Pepa Aranda


2009: MADHOUSE IN GOA by Martin Sherman. Dir. Emilià Carilla


2009: MI NOMBRE ES ALEX  Dir. Gerardo Vieytes. Produced by CECC (35mm. Short Film)


2009: FIGURA/FONDO  Dir. Lara Martín y Ursula Kaufmann.  Produced by UPF (Digital Short)


2009: CASTING Dir. Alejo Levis. Produced by Life & Pictures - Xarxa de Televisions Locals


2008-09: CONTRA EL ESPEJO by Damián Ruiz. Dir. Boris Rotenstein


2008: PLAY  Dir. Pelayo Muñiz. Produced by Canijo Films & ESCAC (Digital Short)


2007: EL COR DE LA CIUTAT. Produced by Televisión de Catalunya, TV3


2006: XTRANYS Dir. Alejo Levis. Produced by Life & Pictures – Xarxa de Televisions Locals


2006: JET LAG. Produced by T de Teatre - Televisión de Catalunya, TV3


2005-08: DEAR ELENA SERGUÈIEVNA by Ludmila Razumovskaya. Dir. Boris Rotenstein


2004: 0,5. LES COSES SON LA MEITAT DE COMPLICADES by Raquel Tomás. Dir. Alex Serrano


2003: QUAY WEST by Bernard-Marie Koltés. Dir. Joan Ollè


2003: SCLUNCH! Dir. Alex Aviñoa


2002: SALOMÉ/RAMALA by Oscar Wilde. Dir. Antonio Morcillo


2002: SMALL CRAFT WARNING by Tennessee Williams. Dir. Feredic Roda


2002: EL PÚBLICO by Federico García Lorca. Dir. Jordi Prat i Coll


2001-08: ES DESDE AQUÍ QUE MIRO LA LUNA by Damián Ruiz. Dir. Boris Rotenstein


2000-02: EL PUENTE/EL PONT by José Manuel Sevilla. Dir. Boris Rotenstein





2024: HOLA, RÀBIA! 

Written and directed by Mercè Vila Godoy

Produced by Associació Artística La Banda & Teatre Municipal de Girona (Immersive show)


Written by Jordi Robles & Jorge Velasco
Produced by Dau al Sec & Cultour Incoming (Performance)

2021: GARCÍA LORCA SCHWUCHTEL!, poetry by Federico García Lorca
Produced by Instituto Cervantes de Berlín & Iberoamerika Ensemble (Performance)

2018-20: DER TOD UND DAS MÄDCHEN, written by Ariel Dorfman
Produced by Stumkino Delphi de Berlin & Iberoamerika Ensemble (Theater play)

2018: FUGAZ/VERGÄNGLICH, based on string-quartet “Death and the Maiden” by F. Schubert
Produced by Theater-Haus-Mitte (dance performance)


2017: WEB ME UP!

Written and directed by David Insaid

Produced by Jordi Robles & David Insaid (Digital Shortfilm)

2007-11: CABARET INCIVIC. Written by Jordi Robles & Marta Betriu
Produced by Associació Cultural La Incívica (Cabaret show)





2023-24: LAS NOCHES MALAS DE AMIR SHRINYAN, theater play by Albert Tola and directed by Carlos Rodríguez Produced by Associación Nigredo & Teatro del Astillero

Tour: Teatro Távora (Sevilla), Dau al Sec (Barcelona), Teatros del Canal (Madrid)

  • Production design


2022: EL PALMERAL, theater play by Albert Tola and directed by Rodrigo García Olza

Produced by Associación Nigredo & Teatre Akadèmia

Tour: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona), Teatro BBK (Bilbao)

  • Production direction & design


2018-22: THEATER SPIEL RAUM, training center in the Künstlerhaus Bethanien (Berlin)

  • Assistant for the comunication strategy


2018: SARAB, theater play by Albert Tola and directed by Andrea Segura

Poduced by A3 Teatre & Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)

  • Production direction & design


2017: YERMA, theater play by Federico García Lorca and directed by de Marc Chornet

Produced by Teatre Akadèmia & Projecte Ingenu

Tour: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona), Teatro Kamikaze (Madrid), Festival of Spanish Theater (Londres)

  • Production direction & design


2016: SIK SIK Y OTROS, theater play by Eduardo De Filippo and directed by Guido Torlonia

Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)

  • Production direction & design


2016: EL ZOO DE VIDRE, theater play by Tennessee Williams and directed by Boris Rotenstein

Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)

  • Production direction & design



Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)

  • Production direction & design

  • Stage manager


2016: L’AMANT, theater play by Harold Pinter and directed by Guido Torlonia

Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)

  • Production direction & design


2016: FALSTAFF, based in several theater plays by Shakespeare, and directed by Konrad Zschiedrich

Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)

  • Production direction & design


2015: LA IMPORTÀNCIA DE SER FRANK, theater play by Oscar Wilde and directed by Emilià Carilla

Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)

  • Production direction & design


2015: EL TEATRE I LA PESTE, written by Antonine Artaud and directed by Jordi Coca

Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia – Festival Grec (Barcelona)

  • Production attendant


2015: LA GAVINA, theater play by Anton Txèkhov and directed by Boris Rotenstein

Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)

  • Production direction & design


2014: AS YOU LIKE IT, theater play by William Shakespeare and directed by Dugald Bruce-Lockhart

Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)

  • Production direction & design


2014: A LA VORA DE L'AIGUA, theater play by E.Bonfanti & Y. Hunstad and directed by Emilià Carilla

Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)

  • Production direction & design


2014: NO POT L'OBLIT REGNAR SOBRE AQUESTS MOTS, based in Shakespeare’s sonets

Directed by Boris Rotenstein

Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)

  • Production direction & design


2014: AL GALOP, theater play by M. Hampton & M.L. Wilson and directed by Guido Torlonia

Produced by Teatre Akadèmia.

Tour: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona), Teatro Español (Madrid), Festival de Teatro de Málaga,

among other theaters in Spain

  • Production direction & design


2014: EL LLOP FEROTGE, written and directed by Sergio Pons

Produced by Teatre Akadèmia & Produccions Essencials

Tour: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona), Fira Tàrrega, among other theaters in Catalonia

  • Production direction & design


2014: RITTER, DENE, VOSS, theater play by Thomas Bernhard and directed by Konrad Zschiedrich

Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)

  • Production direction & design


2013: ROMEU I JULIETA, theater play by William Shakespeare and directed by Dugald Bruce-Lockhart

Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)

  • Production direction & desig


2013: MADAME DE SADE, theater play by Yukio Mishima and directed by Emilià Carilla

Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)a

  • Production direction & design


2013: RECREO, theater play by Manuel Veiga and directed by Boris Rotenstein

Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)

  • Production direction & design


2013: LA VIDA PERDURABLE, theater play by Narcís Comadira and directed by Boris Rotenstein

Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)

  • Production direction & design


2013: QUARTETT, theater play by Heiner Müller and directed by Konrad Zschiedrich

Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)

  • Production direction & design


2012: CINC CONTES DIFERENTS, theater play by Josep Maria Miró and directed by Sergio Pons

Produced by Teatre Akadèmia & Produccions Essencials

Tour: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona), SAT (Barcelona), among other theaters in Catalonia

  • Production direction & design


2012: JE NE PARLE PAS FRANÇOISE, chanson française cabaret directed by Emilià Carilla

Produced by Teatre Akadèmia.

Tour: Teatre Almeria (Barcelona), Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)

  • Production direction & design


2012: AMFITRIÓ 38, theater play by Jean Girodoux and directed by Emilià Carilla

Produced by Teatre Akadèmia. Premiere: Teatre Akadèmia (Barcelona)

  • Production direction & design


2012-17: TEATRE AKADÈMIA, center for Theater Production and Exhibition (Barcelona)


  • Management team coordinator

  • Production manager of 22 theater performances and an international theater festival

  • Technical supervision of external productions

  • Budget planning and tracking

  • Grants management

  • Assistant to the artistic director


2007-12: ASOCIACIÓN CULTURAL LA INCIVICA, theater company (Barcelona)


  • Production design and direction (theater, dance, acrobatics and live music shows)


  • Road manager for the show CABARET INCÍVIC: Casa Elizalde (Barcelona), Masia Cabanyes (Vilanova i la Geltrú), Ateneu Santboià (Sant Boi de Llobregat), Sala Triangulo - Festival Simulacro (Madrid), Factoria de les Arts (Terrassa), Festival Internacional de Benicàssim - FIB-actúa (Castelló), Centre Cultural La Capsa (El Prat de Llobregat), Festa Major de l’Eixample Esquerre - Parc Joan Miró (Barcelona), RAI Art Espai Cultural (Barcelona), Centre Cívic de Sarrià (Barcelona), Casinet d’Hostafrancs (Barcelona), Antic Teatre (Barcelona), Festival Panorama (Olot)


2006-10: CENTRE CIVIC CASA GOLFERICHS, educational and cultural exhibition consortium (Barcelona)


  • Coordinator: conferences, workshops and photographic exhibitions

  • Implementation of emergencies and safety regulations





2013-15: UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA, conference for the students of Cultural Management Master

2009-11: ESCOLA DE CINE ACTING FACE: Theater & Cinema acting teacher

2009: UNIVERSITAT POMPEU FABRA, conference “La publicitat del segle XXI”

2008: UNIVERSITAT POMPEU FABRA, conference “La publicitat i el màrqueting”

2007: UNIVERSITAT POMPEU FABRA, conference “El cinema en blanc i negre”

2006: UNIVERSITAT POMPEU FABRA, conference “Direcció d’actors” and “Producció de Televisió”

2006-10: CENTRE CÍVIC GOLFERICHS: Theater & Cinema acting teacher

2006: COL·LEGI DEL TEATRE: Introduction for young students to the Stanislavski System 





2003: Best Young Actor Festival International de Théâter de Mont-Laurier (Montreal, Canada)


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